Fitzwilliam Food Test Clinic is an Irish company and the exclusive representative and supplier of all Cambridge Nutritional Sciences (UK) laboratory test services in Ireland.
In addition to our own clinic, we provide this food intolerance test service for an increasing number of doctors, fertility clinics, nutritionists, and associated healthcare practitioners throughout Ireland.
Fitzwilliam Food Test Clinic was the first to introduce medical-grade, laboratory based, IgG antibody blood tests for food sensitivity testing into Ireland in 1998.
Our laboratory is a subsidiary of Omega Diagnostics Group PLC, based in Cambridgeshire UK.
About Us
Fitzwilliam Food Test Clinic was founded in 1990 by Martin Healy Lic. Ac MBAcC, RPN.

Our food intolerance test is used in over 120 Laboratories Internationally to provide the optimal testing service for people across the globe.

Using a state-of-the-art scientifically proven technique, the laboratory have developed microarray- based assays to identify specific foods that are causing IgG antibody production.
A specialist laboratory in the field of immunodiagnostics
Their management system is ISO9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 certified.
They are a member of the British In Vitro Diagnostics Association (BIVDA). Registered no 04201429.
Our test measure all four food specific IgG antibody subtypes i.e. IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4
All our tests are CE marked – in compliance with EU regulation for medical devices.
Allergy Test - our test is not a classic IgE test used for food allergy testing. Food Intolerance Testing (sensitivity test) is our specialist area. Click "This Link for Details". Please seek the advice of your doctor before booking a test.