Food Intolerance Test for Children
Food Sensitivity Test for Children:
Children under sixteen years of age will be assessed by the GP initially. If your doctor is of the opinion that a food sensitivity test is appropriate for your child, the doctor will provide you with a referral letter for a food sensitivity test. Phone our clinic on 01-4733790 for further details.
Our laboratory will do the blood sample analysis & will return the results to the parents and the GP.
The GP can use this test result to guide the food elimination diet for your child.
The Science Behind Food Intolerance Testing
The test will measure the level of food specific, IgG antibody that your child's immune system is producing against a panel of foods. A significantly elevated antibody response to any food indicates a loss of “tolerance” for that food. This can lead to a build-up of inflammation.
Important Notice:
We do not recommend this test for children under 3 years of age.
Childhood conditions which are strongly rooted in inflammation include:
Childhood obesity
Gut and digestive issues
Repeat middle ear infection
Urinary tract infections
Is your child’s condition rooted in inflammation? Could diet and food sensitivity be at the root of this inflammation? See this short video below for details of how diet (even breast milk) can cause issues for your child
Case History (video below):
Little baby Aaron at three months of age suffered with severe projectile vomiting after every feed. Mother was breast feeding and the situation had become so severe that doctors prescribed surgery to stretch the muscle leading into the child’s stomach. Within one week of mother changing her diet, the child returned to full health with no more vomiting and no need for surgery.