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Writer's pictureMartin Healy Lic Ac

Acne & Food Intolerance

Treating The Root Cause of Acne

Acne is a common condition, mainly affecting teenagers and young adults. However, adult onset acne is not uncommon. In severe cases acne symptoms can include scarring of the skin.

Note: Squeezing or picking your acne could make your symptoms worse and may leave you with permanent scarring.

Acne Causes

There can be an association with increased hormone levels especially during puberty. However, skin bacteria appear to be the primary cause. In the majority of cases, taking a course of antibiotics – which kills the bacteria – is usually very successful in controlling the condition.

Note: – However, there can be side effects associated with taking antibiotics to treat acne


Antibiotic Prescribed for Acne are Particularly Problematic

Antibiotics prescribed for acne treatments are particularly worrying because they have to be taken for an extended period of time – up to six months. But when you stop using these antibiotics, in many cases, the condition returns. A further concern is that the antibiotics commonly prescribed are broad-spectrum antibiotics such as Tetracycline. These antibiotics indiscriminately destroy both the good and bad bacteria alike (especially in the gut) and can lead to problems such as IBS, bloating, digestive problems and increased weight gain. Of particular concern is the fact that a lot of the good bacteria in the intestinal tract (which can help to clear the skin) are destroyed by these broad-spectrum antibiotics. The toxic gut bacteria (which add to the skin problems) are inadvertently encouraged by this approach.

The graphic shows the gut bacteria. The blue and green globules are the overgrown, toxic spores within the colon. The white speckles are the toxins release by these toxic gut bacteria.

Is Killing Bacteria the correct way to treat Acne?

Antibiotics should not be used as the first course of action. Though bacteria are associated with acne, killing these bacteria will not always bring about a permanent solution. The reality is that in the majority of cases, once you stop using the antibiotics, the condition returns. This indicates that bacteria are associated with, but, not the real cause of acne. With acne, something is feeding and encouraging these skin bacteria. If you can find and stop what is feeding these bacteria, they will die-off naturally. Always seek out and treat the root cause.

So – What Is The Root Cause?

We need to understand that our bodies are coated with colonies of bacteria. These bacteria live on our skin and in our eyes, nose and mouth.  Most of these microbes are not harmful to humans.

Bacteria are associated with Acne but not the root cause.


Diet Is The Key Causative Factor Of Acne

The vast majority of the bacteria we are talking about live within the digestive tract. Any disturbance of the delicate balance between good and bad bacteria in this environment will reflect upon the skin.  Undigested foods can have a detrimental effect upon the bacteria that reside in the gut. This marks the beginning of your acne.

Food Graphic

Food Sensitivity

Food sensitivity (intolerance) is one of the most common triggers of bacterial imbalance in the digestive tract. Such foods arrive in the intestines undigested. These undigested foods feed the toxic, opportunist bacteria that reside there. This will encourage the overgrowth of the bad bacteria that reside upon the skin. They are interconnected. If we stop feeding these toxic gut bacteria (the root of the problem), the bad skin bacteria will also die off naturally.

 Acne Treatments

These acne bacteria are primarily being fed by the inability of the person to digest particular foods.  There is no specific acne diet. Equally there is no specific acne testing available. The Fitzwilliam Food Sensitivity test will tell which foods to avoid. Cutting these problem foods out of your diet will dramatically clean-up your toxic gut and in the majority of cases, the acne is dramatically improved within two weeks.

Contact our Dublin clinic to find out more information. You can also buy food intolerance tests in our online shop.

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