Novak Djokovic –In the world of tennis only a select few players have accomplished the level of success Novak Djokovic has experienced. The Wimbledon champion and current world number one has racked up six Grand Slams, 14 Masters titles and a Davis Cup and has a bronze Olympic medal to his name.
However it’s hard to believe that just four years ago the tennis star was barely able to finish a game let alone win an entire tournament. Plagued by tight chest pain and stomach spasms and unable to overcome breathing difficulties and fatigue Novak feared his career was over before it had even begun.
That was until a doctor told him he was gluten intolerant, a diagnosis which would allow the Serbian to overhaul his diet and become the best player in the world.
Peter Stringer –Munster and Ireland rugby star. On the Ray Darcy programme today, Peter Stringer spoke about how his diagnosis of a yeast intolerance and the associated dietary changes, have dramatically transformed his life and his health.
Is Food Allergy Different To Food Intolerance?
Food allergy is where you have an obvious and very immediate reaction to some food. Peanut and shellfish are two very common allergy triggers. The key feature of allergy is that it is a very obvious and a very immediate reaction and as a result, it is very easy to diagnose the offending foods.
Food intolerance is far more common and it is not obvious and takes many hours to manifest and as a result, it is very difficult to diagnose the offending foods. As a result of this delayed reaction, the majority of people suffering as a result of food intolerance are totally unaware of the fact that food is the cause of all of their distress.
What Is Food Intolerance?
Food intolerance begins when certain foods are poorly digested and arrive in the intestines in this undigested state. Such undigested foods react badly with the vast colonies of bacteria which normally reside within the intestines. Most adults have between 2 to 2.5 pounds of bacteria residing within the intestinal tract. Many of these bacteria are bacteroids (toxic) and yeast’s. The undigested foods feed and encourage these opportunist bacteria and yeasts and this leads to a toxic state within the intestines.
This toxic state results in all of the symptoms of reflux and bloating and irritable bowel etc. It also triggers the immune system into a hyper-inflammatory state which in turn triggers many of the inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, asthma, sinusistis.etc.
Conditions Associated with Food Intolerance
Food intolerance is a toxic state and is the primary driver of Inflammation within the body. As a result, all of the following inflammatory conditions are potentially caused by food intolerance:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis
Obesity (yes, obesity is strongly associated with food intolerance)
Diagnosis of Food Intolerance
A small blood sample is sent to a specialist laboratory where they analyse the sample for food specific IgG antibodies. The client removes from their diet foods with a high IgG antibody score. In the majority of cases, clients report a dramatic improvement in their symptoms when they remove from their diet foods with a high IgG antibody score.