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Obesity / Overweight & Food Intolerance

The association between obesity / overweight symptoms and the over consumption of junk food, fatty food, sugary foods, large portions of food etc, have all been well documented. However, the association between INFLAMMATION and many of these chronic, overweight problems have gone completely unnoticed.

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a swelling of the tissues. In addition to swelling, the tissues fill with fluid, and can become water logged.

How does inflammation start?

Overweight causes include poorly digested or undigested food. Such undigested food (food intolerance) will begin to ferment (putrefy) within the digestive tract. Over time, these gut toxins eventually begin to seep into the general circulation causing a generalised inflammation throughout the body. This causes much of the generalised swelling and bloating and fluid retention associated with obesity. Yes, obesity is a condition where the body becomes waterlogged as a result of inflammation, caused by food intolerance.

What is food intolerance?

Food intolerance is a slow, insidious poisoning of the body. It is caused by common, everyday foods which are poorly digested.

Overweight Treatments

The reality of the food intolerance / inflammation approach to weight loss is that it is not a diet. There is no counting of calories. The primary thrust of this approach is to find and eliminate your specific problem foods. The IgG Antibody Test will help you find these foods. The primary trust of this approach is to – totally eliminate your specific, intolerance foods, completely from your diet.

Could This be an INFLAMMATORY Condition?

Yes –  overweight & obesity is primarily an inflammatory condition. People are starting to recognise that specific foods are triggering these symptoms. However, unlike normal, immediate, allergy reactions, these particular food reactions are delayed (hidden) reactions. This is classic food intolerance. An increasing number of people have resolved these symptoms by using the food sensitivity test to help them find their problem foods.

Food IgG Antibody Test

For specific details about this overweight treatment contact our Dublin clinic. Our food intolerance tests are also available to buy in our online shop

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